Sunday, April 19, 2009

Gay Marriage and Gratuitous Promotion of Family Members

My twin has a piece up at the Huffington Post on three lessons progressives should take away from the Vermont legislature's gay marriage decisions. His lessons are 1) Federalism can be progressive 2) Legislatures can enforce rights and 3) Paying attention to the details matter. Points one and two seem to me to be a bit intertwined insofar as unless legislatures are doing things there are few outlets for progressive federalism (for lack of a better term). He makes strong, succinct cases for all three points. Go check it out.


Lautreamont said...

Man, Aaron's CV must be fucking nuts. I need to see you guys soon.

Yeshivish Atheist said...

Glad to have found your blog. (can you turn word verification off? ~_~ )

Joshua said...

You aren't the first person to request that but I've had spam issues in the past. I've turned it off again. We'll see how that goes.

Shalmo said...

The Torah makes it clear that homosexual are to be stoned

And the midrash makes it clear that Sodom and Gamorrah were wiped out for sodomy

so who are the frummies here?

Joshua said...

Shalmo, a) I'm not sure what makes you think I'm frum b) I could if i were inclined make an argument that gay marriage is halachically fine for non-Jews c) most frum people would in any case agree that death penalties can't be imposed prior to the recreation of the Sanhedrin d) Aaron's piece is interesting whether or not one agrees with allowing gay marriage.

Paul, yes. It is quite a scary document (and the last version I saw was about a year ago). Where are you going to be in the summer?

Johan said...

But if gay marriage is allowed Hall's marriage theorem will become false!

Won't somebody please think of the mathematicians!?